Modeling Cyberattack Propagation and Impacts on Cyber-Physical System Safety: An Experiment
Théo Serru, Nga Nguyen, Michel Batteux, and Antoine Rauzy
In Electronics. MDPI. Vol. 12, Num. 1, 2023.
doi: 10.3390/electronics12010077
Model-Based Reliability Engineering – An Introduction from First Principles
Antoine Rauzy
AltaRica Association. 2022.
isbn: 978-82-692273-2-1
Abstract Executions of Stochastic Discrete Event Systems
Michel Batteux, Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems. Inderscience Publishers. Vol. 10, Num. 3, pp 202–226, 2022.
doi: 10.1504/IJCCBS.2022.10045574
Performance Assessment of an Offshore Windmill Farm with AltaRica 3.0
Michel Batteux, Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Model-Based Safety and Assessment, IMBSA 2022. Munich, Germany. Num. 13525, pp 130–145, 2022.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-15842-1-10
Epistemic Space of Degradation Processes
Liu Yang, and Antoine Rauzy
In Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics (TNCL). Taylor and Francis Production. Vol. 31, Num. 1, pp 1–25, 2021.
doi: 10.1080/11663081.2020.1850047
Performance Engineering in Python
Antoine Rauzy
AltaRica Association. 2020.
isbn: 978-82-692273-1-4
Probabilistic Safety Analysis with XFTA
Antoine Rauzy
AltaRica Association. 2020.
isbn: 978-82-692273-0-7
Handling the COVID-19 crisis: Toward an agile model-based systems approach
Olivier de Weck, Daniel Krob, Li Lefei, Pao Chuen Lui, Antoine Rauzy, and Xinguo Zhang
In Journal of Systems Engineering. Wiley Online Library. Vol. 23, pp 656–670, 2020.
doi: 10.1002/sys.21557
Toward a better integration of requirements and model-based specifications
Benoît Lebeaupin, and Antoine Rauzy
In Journal of Systems Engineering. Wiley Online Library. Vol. 23, Num. 6, pp 751–769, 2020.
doi: 10.1002/sys.21560
Book Chapters
New Challenges and Opportunities in Reliability Engineering of Complex Technical Systems
Antoine Rauzy
In Coen van Gulijk and Elena Zaitseva ed., Reliability Engineering and Computational Intelligence. Springer. 2020.
isbn: 978-3-030-74555-4
AltaRica 3.0 in 10 Modeling Patterns
Michel Batteux, Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems. Inderscience Publishers. Vol. 9, Num. 1–2, pp 133–165, 2019.
doi: 10.1504/IJCCBS.2019.098809
Foundations for Model-Based Systems Engineering and Model-Based Safety Assessment
Antoine Rauzy, and Cecilia Haskins
In Journal of Systems Engineering. Wiley Online Library. Vol. 22, pp 146–155, 2019.
doi: 10.1002/sys.21469
Finite Degradation Structures
Antoine Rauzy, and Liu Yang
In Journal of Applied Logics – IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications. College Publications. Vol. 6, Num. 7, pp 1471–1495, 2019.
Decision Diagram Algorithms to Extract Minimal Cutsets of Finite Degradation Models
Antoine Rauzy, and Liu Yang
In Information. MDPI. Vol. 10, Num. 368, pp 1–28, 2019.
doi: 10.3390/info10120368
Model synthesis using boolean expression diagrams
Liu Yang, and Antoine Rauzy
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 186, pp 78–87, June, 2019.
doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2019.02.019
Modeling Patterns for the Assessment of Maintenance Policies with AltaRica 3.0
Michel Batteux, Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In Yiannis Papadopoulos and Koorosh Aslansefat and Panagiotis Katsaros and Marco Bozzano ed., Model-Based Safety and Assessment. Thessaloniki, Greece. Vol. 11842, pp 32–46, 2019.
isbn: 978-3-030-32871-9
Synchronization of system architecture and safety models: a proof of concept
Michel Batteux, Jean-Yves Choley, Faïda Mhenni, Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the IEEE 2019 International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE). Edinburgh, Scotland. 2019.
Model Synchronization: A Formal Framework for the Management of Heterogeneous Models
Michel Batteux, Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In Yiannis Papadopoulos and Koorosh Aslansefat and Panagiotis Katsaros and Marco Bozzano ed., Model-Based Safety and Assessment. Thessaloniki, Greece. Vol. 11842, pp 157–172, 2019.
isbn: 978-3-030-32871-9
Synchronization of system architecture, multi-physics and safety models
Michel Batteux, Jean-Yves Choley, Faïda Mhenni, Luca Palladino, Tatiana Prosvirnova, Antoine Rauzy, and Maurice Théobald
In Proceedings of the Complex Systems Design and Management international conference, CSDM 2019. Paris, France. pp 37–48, 2019.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-34843-4-4
FDS-ML: A New Modeling Formalism for Probabilistic Risk and Safety Analyses
Liu Yang, and Antoine Rauzy
In Yiannis Papadopoulos and Koorosh Aslansefat and Panagiotis Katsaros and Marco Bozzano ed., Model-Based Safety and Assessment. Thessaloniki, Greece. Vol. 11842, pp 78–92, 2019.
isbn: 978-3-030-32871-9
Finite Degradation Analysis of Multiple Safety Instrumented Systems
Liu Yang, Antoine Rauzy, and Mary Ann Lundteigen
In Michael Beer and Enrico Zio ed., Proceedings of European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2019. Hannover, Germany. pp 886–894, 2019.
doi: doi: 10.3850/978-981-11-2724-3-0268-cd
isbn: 978-981-11-2724-3
Modeling the CBTC Railway System of Siemens with ScOLa
Mélissa Issad, Leïla Kloul, Antoine Rauzy, and Karim Berkani
In International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research. Springer. Vol. 16, Num. 3, pp 163–172, September, 2018.
doi: 10.1007/s13177-017-0146-2
Scenario-Oriented Reverse Engineering of Complex Railway System Specifications
Mélissa Issad, Leïla Kloul, and Antoine Rauzy
In Journal of Systems Engineering. Wiley Online Library. Vol. 21, Num. 2, pp 91–104, March, 2018.
doi: 10.1002/sys.21413
Modeling patterns for reliability assessment of safety instrumented systems
Huixing Meng, Leïla Kloul, and Antoine Rauzy
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 180, pp 111–123, 2018.
doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2018.06.026
Production availability analysis of Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) systems
Huixing Meng, Leïla Kloul, and Antoine Rauzy
In Applied Ocean Research. Elsevier. Vol. 74, pp 117–126, May, 2018.
doi: 10.1016/j.apor.2018.02.026
Notes on Computational Uncertainties in Probabilistic Risk/Safety Assessment
Antoine Rauzy
In Entropy. MDPI. Vol. 20, Num. 3, 2018.
doi: 10.3390/e20030162
Enhancement of the AltaRica 3.0 stepwise simulator by introducing an abstract notion of time
Michel Batteux, Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In Stein Haugen and Anne Barros and Coen van Gulijk and Trond Kongsvik and Jan Erik Vinnem ed., Safe Societies in a Changing World, Proceedings of European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2018). Trondheim, Norway. pp 915–922, June, 2018.
isbn: 9780815386827
AltaRica Wizard: an integrated modeling and simulation environment for AltaRica 3.0
Michel Batteux, Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes du congrès Lambda-Mu 21 (actes électroniques). Reims, France. October, 2018.
Advances in the simplification of Fault Trees automatically generated from AltaRica 3.0 models
Michel Batteux, Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In Stein Haugen and Anne Barros and Coen van Gulijk and Trond Kongsvik and Jan Erik Vinnem ed., Safe Societies in a Changing World, proceedings of European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2018). Trondheim, Norway. pp 907–914, June, 2018.
isbn: 9780815386827
Schémas de modélisation de politiques de maintenance de composants en AltaRica 3.0
Michel Batteux, Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes du congrès Lambda-Mu 21 (actes électroniques). Reims, France. October, 2018.
Reliability Assessment of Phased-Mission Systems with AltaRica 3.0
Michel Batteux, Tatiana Prosvirnova, Antoine Rauzy, and Liu Yang
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS). Barcelona, Spain. pp 400–407, November, 2018.
doi: 10.1109/ICSRS.2018.00072
From Models of Structures to Structures of Models
Michel Batteux, Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE 2018). Roma, Italy. October, 2018.
doi: 10.1109/SysEng.2018.8544424
Introduction d'une notion de temps abstrait pour la simulation des modèles AltaRica 3.0
Michel Batteux, Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes du congrès Lambda-Mu 21 (actes électroniques). Reims, France. October, 2018.
How systems engineering may be useful in risk management – Lesson learnt from a practical case
Marta Bucelli, Yun Zhang, Antoine Rauzy, and Sharmin Sultana
In Stein Haugen and Anne Barros and Coen van Gulijk and Trond Kongsvik and Jan Erik Vinnem ed., Safe Societies in a Changing World, proceedings of European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2018). Trondheim, Norway. pp 1801–1810, June, 2018.
isbn: 9780815386827
Analysis of business process specifications with OpenAltarica
Leo Chartier, Paolo Ballarini, Michel Batteux, and Antoine Rauzy
In IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE 2018). Roma, Italy. October, 2018.
Finite Degradation Structures: a Formal Framework to Support the Interface between MBSE and MBSA
Liu Yang, Cecilia Haskins, and Antoine Rauzy
In IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE 2018). Roma, Italy. October, 2018.
doi: 10.1109/SysEng.2018.8544411
Reliability Modeling Using Finite Degradation Structures
Liu Yang, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS). Barcelona, Spain. pp 168–175, November, 2018.
doi: 10.1109/ICSRS.2018.00035
A new modelling methodology for the assessment of remaining useful lifetime for proactive maintenance - an application to a compressor drive system
Yun Zhang, Anne Barros, Antoine Rauzy, and Erling Lunde
In Stein Haugen and Anne Barros and Coen van Gulijk and Trond Kongsvik and Jan Erik Vinnem ed., Safe Societies in a Changing World, proceedings of European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2018). Trondheim, Norway. pp 555–564, June, 2018.
isbn: 9780815386827
AltaRica 3.0 Assertions: the Why and the Wherefore
Michel Batteux, Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In Journal of Risk and Reliability. Professional Engineering Publishing. Vol. 231, Num. 6, pp 691–-700, September, 2017.
doi: 10.1177/1748006X17728209
Production trees: A new modeling methodology for production availability analyses
Leïla Kloul, and Antoine Rauzy
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 167, pp 561–571, November, 2017.
doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2017.06.017
Safety Analysis of a Data Center's Electrical System Using Production Trees
Walid Mokhtar Bennaceur, Leïla Kloul, and Antoine Rauzy
In Marco Bozzano and Yiannis Papadopoulos ed., Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Model-Based Safety Assessment, IMBSA 2017. Trento, Italy. Num. 10437, pp 82–98, 2017.
isbn: 978-3-319-64118-8
Handling Epistemic Uncertainty in Fault Trees: New proposal Based on Evidence Theory and Kleene Ternary Decision Diagrams
Fares Innal, Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS 2017). Milano, Italy. December, 2017.
Scenario-based FMEA analysis and evaluation in a railway context
Mélissa Issad, Leïla Kloul, and Antoine Rauzy
In Suprasad V. Amari ed., Proceedings of the RAMS Symposium 2017. Orlando, Florida, USA. pp 479–485, 2017.
A language proposition for system requirements
Benoît Lebeaupin, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Marc Roussel
In Proceedings of 11th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference. Montréal, Canada. April, 2017.
Toward Model Synchronization Between Safety Analysis and System Architecture Design in Industrial Contexts
Anthony Legendre, Agnès Lanusse, and Antoine Rauzy
In Marco Bozzano and Yiannis Papadopoulos ed., Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Model-Based Safety Assessment, IMBSA 2017. Trento, Italy. Num. 10437, pp 35–49, 2017.
isbn: 978-3-319-64118-8
A Pattern-based Methodology for Reliability Assessment of Safety Instrumented Systems
Huixing Meng, Leïla Kloul, and Antoine Rauzy
In Bob Rassa ed., Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering. Vienna, Austria. pp 438–443, 2017.
isbn: 978-1-5386-3403-5
Vers la définition d'un kit d'évaluation pour les simulateurs stochastiques
Benjamin Aupetit, Michel Batteux, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Marc Roussel
In Actes du Congrès Lambda-Mu 20 (actes électroniques). Saint-Malo, France. 2016.
doi: 10.4267/2042/61811
isbn: 978-2-35147-043-5
Incremental Modeling Methodology of Railway System Specifications
Mélissa Issad, Leïla Kloul, and Antoine Rauzy
In Gauthier Fanmuy and Eric Goubault and Daniel Krob, Fran\ccois Stephan ed., Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Complex Systems Design and Management, CSDM Paris 2016. pp 95–111, 2016.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-49103-5-8
isbn: 978-3-319-49102-8
Spécification et analyse de systémes ferroviaires à l'aide d'un langage de scénarios
Mélissa Issad, Leïla Kloul, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes du Congrès Lambda-Mu 20 (actes électroniques). Saint-Malo, France. 2016.
doi: 10.4267/2042/61808
isbn: 978-2-35147-043-5
Synchronisation des modèles d'architecture et d'analyse de risques : quel gain, comment et pourquoi ?
Anthony Legendre, Agnès Lanusse, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes du Congrès Lambda-Mu 20 (actes électroniques). Saint-Malo, France. 2016.
doi: 10.4267/2042/61813
isbn: 978-2-35147-043-5
Directions towards supporting synergies between design and probabilistic safety assessment activities: illustration on a fire detection system embedded in a helicopter
Anthony Legendre, Agnès Lanusse, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings PSAM'13. Seoul, South-Korea. 2016.
Production performance of an offshore system by applying AltaRica 3.0
Huixing Meng, Benjamin Aupetit, Leïla Kloul, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes du Congrès Lambda-Mu 20 (actes électroniques). Saint-Malo, France. 2016.
doi: 10.4267/2042/61809
isbn: 978-2-35147-043-5
Assessment of a condition-based maintenance policy for Subsea systems: A preliminary study
Yun Zhang, Anne Barros, and Antoine Rauzy
In Lesley Walls and Matthew Revie and Tim Bedford ed., Proceedings of Risk, Reliability and Safety: Innovating Theory and Practice (ESREL 2016). Glasgow, United Kingdom. pp 1129–1136, 2016.
isbn: 9781138029972
A new modelling methodology for the assessment of maintenance policies of subsea systems
Yun Zhang, Antoine Rauzy, and Anne Barros
In Philip Scarf and Phuc Do and Shaomin Wu ed., Proceedings of the 9th IMA International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability). pp 242–247, 2016.
isbn: 978-0-905091-31-0
Automated generation of partial Markov chain from high level descriptions
Pierre-Antoine Brameret, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Marc Roussel
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 139, pp 179–187, July, 2015.
doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2015.02.009
On the Extension of Importance Measures to Complex Components
Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 142, pp 161–168, October, 2015.
doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2015.04.016
ScOLA, a Scenario Oriented Modeling Language for railway systems
Mélissa Issad, Leïla Kloul, Antoine Rauzy, and Karim Berkani
In INSIGHT, INCOSE Magazine. Wiley Online Library. Vol. 18, Num. 4, pp 34–37, December, 2015.
doi: 10.1002/inst.12060
Comparison of Modeling Formalisms for Safety Analyses: SAML and AltaRica
Michael Lipaczewski, Frank Ortmeier, Tatiana Prosvirnova, Antoine Rauzy, and Simon Struck
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 140, pp 191–199, August, 2015.
doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2015.03.038
Automated generation of Minimal Cutsets from AltaRica 3.0 models
Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems. Inderscience Publishers. Vol. 6, Num. 1, pp 50–79, 2015.
doi: 10.1504/IJCCBS.2015.068852
Towards a Sound Semantics for Dynamic Fault Trees
Antoine Rauzy
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 142, pp 184–191, October, 2015.
doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2015.04.017
Improving performance of the AltaRica 3.0 stochastic simulator
Benjamin Aupetit, Michel Batteux, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Marc Roussel
In Luca Podofillini and Bruno Sudret and Bozidar Stojadinovic and Enrico Zio and Wolfgang Kröger ed., Proceedings of Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems: ESREL 2015. pp 1815–1824, September, 2015.
isbn: 9781138028791
An andromeda extension with shell commands based language over Open PSA
Thomas Friedlhuber, Mohamed Hibti, and Antoine Rauzy
In International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis, PSA 2015. Vol. 1, pp 509–519, 2015.
A method to compare PSA models in a modular PSA
Thomas Friedlhuber, Mohamed Hibti, and Antoine Rauzy
In International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis, PSA 2015. Vol. 1, pp 520–529, 2015.
Modeling the CBTC railway system with SCOLA
Mélissa Issad, Leïla Kloul, Antoine Rauzy, and Karim Berkani
In Proceedings of the 22th ITS World Congress. Bordeaux, France. October, 2015.
A contribution to safety analysis of railway systems using Scola
Mélissa Issad, Leïla Kloul, and Antoine Rauzy
In Luca Podofillini and Bruno Sudret and Bozidar Stojadinovic and Enrico Zio and Wolfgang Kröger ed., Proceedings of Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems: ESREL 2015. pp 459–465, September, 2015.
isbn: 9781138028791
Production availability modeling of a FPSO system with stochastic Petri nets
Huixing Meng, Leïla Kloul, and Antoine Rauzy
In Luca Podofillini and Bruno Sudret and Bozidar Stojadinovic and Enrico Zio and Wolfgang Kröger ed., Proceedings of Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems: ESREL 2015. pp 2271–2280, September, 2015.
isbn: 9781138028791
Modeling Automotive Safety Mechanisms: A Markovian Approach
Abraham Cherfi, Michel Leeman, Florent Meurville, and Antoine Rauzy
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 130, pp 42–49, October, 2014.
doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2014.04.013
AltaRica 3.0 Based Models for ISO 26262 Automotive Safety Mechanisms
Abraham Cherfi, Michel Leeman, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Model-Based Safety Assessment, IMBSA 2014. Munich, Germany. Vol. 8822, pp 123–136, October, 2014.
Arbre Analyste : un outil d'arbres de défaillances respectant le standard Open-PSA et utilisant le moteur XFTA
Emmanuel Clément, Thierry Thomas, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes du congrès Lambda-Mu 19 (actes électroniques). Dijon, France. October, 2014.
isbn: 978-2-35147-037-4
A Model-Based Methodology to Formalize Specifications of Railway Systems
Mélissa Issad, Leïla Kloul, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Model-Based Safety Assessment, IMBSA 2014. Munich, Germany. Vol. 8822, pp 28–42, October, 2014.
Modélisation des réseaux en AltaRica 3.0
Frédéric Milcent, Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes du congrès Lambda-Mu 19 (actes électroniques). Dijon, France. October, 2014.
isbn: 978-2-35147-037-4
Safety Assessment of an Electrical System
Hala Mortada, Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Model-Based Safety Assessment, IMBSA 2014. Munich, Germany. Vol. 8822, pp 181–194, October, 2014.
The Structural Constructions of AltaRica 3.0
Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes du congrès Lambda-Mu 19 (actes électroniques). Dijon, France. October, 2014.
isbn: 978-2-35147-037-4
Model Based Safety Assessment: Rational and Trends
Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of Mecatronics 2014. Tokyo, Japan. November, 2014.
doi: 10.1109/MECATRONICS.2014.7018626
Importance Factors of Coherent Systems: a Review
Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy
In Journal of Risk and Reliability. Professional Engineering Publishing. Vol. 228, Num. 3, pp 313–323, December, 2013.
doi: 10.1177/1748006X13512296
Modeling systems with mobile components: a comparison between AltaRica and PEPA nets
Leïla Kloul, Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In Journal of Risk and Reliability. Professional Engineering Publishing. Vol. 227, Num. 6, pp 599–613, December, 2013.
doi: 10.1177/1748006X13490497
Fault Tree Linking versus Event Tree Linking Approaches: a Reasoned Comparison
Olivier Nusbaumer, and Antoine Rauzy
In Journal of Risk and Reliability. Professional Engineering Publishing. Vol. 227, Num. 3, pp 315–326, June, 2013.
doi: 10.1177/1748006X13490260
Model-Based Safety Assessment: The AltaRica 3.0 Project
Tatiana Prosvirnova, Pierre-Antoine Brameret, and Antoine Rauzy
In INSIGHT, INCOSE Magazine. Wiley Online Library. Vol. 16, Num. 4, pp 24–25, December, 2013.
The AltaRica 3.0 project for Model-Based Safety Assessment
Michel Batteux, Tatiana Prosvirnova, Antoine Rauzy, and Leïla Kloul
In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN). Bochum, Germany. pp 741–746, July, 2013.
doi: 10.1109/INDIN.2013.6622976
Preliminary System Safety Analysis with Limited Markov Chain Generation
Pierre-Antoine Brameret, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Marc Roussel
In Proceedings of 4th IFAC Workshop on Dependable Control of Discrete Systems, DCDS'2013. York, Great Britain. pp 13–18, September, 2013.
isbn: 978-3-902823-49-6
Reinforcement of Qualitative Risk Assessment - Proposals from Computer Science
Thomas Friedlhuber, Mohamed Hibti, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of PSAM Topical Conference in Tokyo (PSAM2013). Tokyo (Japan). April, 2013.
The AltaRica 3.0 project for Model-Based Safety Assessment
Tatiana Prosvirnova, Michel Batteux, Pierre-Antoine Brameret, Abraham Cherfi, Thomas Friedlhuber, Jean-Marc Roussel, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of 4th IFAC Workshop on Dependable Control of Discrete Systems, DCDS'2013. York, Great Britain. pp 127–132, September, 2013.
isbn: 978-3-902823-49-6
AltaRica 3.0 project: Compiling Guarded Transition Systems into Fault Trees
Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability conference, ESREL 2013. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. September-October, 2013.
isbn: 9781138001237
GraphXica: a Language for Graphical Animation of models
Tatiana Prosvirnova, Michel Batteux, Ahmed Maarouf, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability conference, ESREL 2013. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. September-October, 2013.
isbn: 9781138001237
Probabilistic Risk Assessment: Mathematical and Algorithmic Challenges
Antoine Rauzy
In ESRA Newsletter. ESRA. pp 2–4, 2012.
Assessing the Dependability of Systems with Repairable and Spare Components
Pierre-Antoine Brameret, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Marc Roussel
In Jean-Fran\ccois Barbet ed., Actes du Congrès Lambda-Mu 18. Octobre, 2012.
Overview of The Open PSA Platform
Mohamed Hibti, Thomas Friedlhuber, and Antoine Rauzy
In Reino Virolainen ed., Proceedings of International Joint Conference PSAM'11/ESREL'12. pp 2798–2807, June, 2012.
isbn: 978-162276436-5
Variant Management in a Modular PSA
Mohamed Hibti, Thomas Friedlhuber, and Antoine Rauzy
In Reino Virolainen ed., Proceedings of International Joint Conference PSAM'11/ESREL'12. pp 2808–2818, June, 2012.
isbn: 978-162276436-5
Fault Tree Linking versus Event Tree Linking Approaches: A Mathematical and Algorithmic Reconciliation
Olivier Nusbaumer, and Antoine Rauzy
In Reino Virolainen ed., Proceedings of International Joint Conference PSAM'11/ESREL'12. pp 3360–3372, June, 2012.
isbn: 978-162276436-5
Modélisation des systèmes avec des composants mobiles en AltaRica
Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In Jean-Fran\ccois Barbet ed., Actes du Congrès Lambda-Mu 18. Octobre, 2012.
Système de Transitions Gardées : formalisme pivot de modélisation pour la Sûreté de Fonctionnement
Tatiana Prosvirnova, and Antoine Rauzy
In Jean-Fran\ccois Barbet ed., Actes du Congrès Lambda-Mu 18. Octobre, 2012.
Anatomy of an Efficient Fault Tree Assessment Engine
Antoine Rauzy
In Reino Virolainen ed., Proceedings of International Joint Conference PSAM'11/ESREL'12. Helsinki, Finland. pp 3333–3343, June, 2012.
isbn: 978-162276436-5
XFTA: Pour que cent arbres de défaillance fleurissent au printemps
Antoine Rauzy
In Jean-Fran\ccois Barbet ed., Actes du Congrès Lambda-Mu 18. Octobre, 2012.
Sequence Algebra, Sequence Decision Diagrams and Dynamic Fault Trees
Antoine Rauzy
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 96, Num. 7, pp 785–792, 2011.
doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2011.02.005
The Open PSA Initiative for next generation probabilistic safety assessment
Steven Epstein, Mark Reinhart, and Antoine Rauzy
In Kerntechnik. Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH. Vol. 74, Num. 3, pp 101–105, June, 2010.
doi: 10.3139/124.110020
Hybrid approach for the assessment of PSA models by means of binary decision diagrams
Christina Ibàñez-Llano, Antoine Rauzy, Enrique Meléndez, and Fernando Nieto
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 95, Num. 10, pp 1076–1092, 2010.
doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2010.04.016
New insight into the average probability of failure on demand and the probability of dangerous failure per hour of safety instrumented systems
Fares Innal, Yves Dutuit, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Pierre Signoret
In Journal of Risk and Reliability. Professional Engineering Publishing. Vol. 224, Num. 2, pp 75–86, 2010.
doi: 10.1243/1748006XJRR278
Allocation de disponibilité avec Aralia
Christian Dupart, Patrick Morel, Antoine Rauzy, and Philippe Thomas
In Elie Fadier ed., Actes du congrès LambdaMu'17 (actes électroniques). October, 2010.
Validation Project for the Open-PSA Model Exchange using RiskSpectrum and CAFTA
Steven Epstein, Mark Reinhart, and Antoine Rauzy
In B.P. Hallbert ed., Proceeding of the PSAM'10 Conference. Seatle, USA. June, 2010.
isbn: 9781622765782
Introduction au nouveau langage pour la sûreté de fonctionnement : AltaRica nouvelle génération
Benoit Perrot, Tatiana Prosvirnova, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Philippe Sahut d'Izarn
In E. Fadier ed., Actes du congrès LambdaMu'17 (actes électroniques). October, 2010.
Arbres de défaillance dynamiques : une bibliothèque pour la nouvelle génération d'AltaRica
Benoit Perrot, Tatiana Prosvirnova, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Philippe Sahut d'Izarn
In E. Fadier ed., Actes du congrès LambdaMu'17 (actes électroniques). October, 2010.
Expériences de couplages de modèles AltaRica avec des interfaces métiers
Benoit Perrot, Tatiana Prosvirnova, Antoine Rauzy, Jean-Philippe Sahut d'Izarn, and Raphael Schoening
In E. Fadier ed., Actes du congrès LambdaMu'17 (actes électroniques). October, 2010.
Diagrammes Binaires de Décision pondérés : vieilles idées, nouvelle mise en œuvre
Antoine Rauzy
In Elie Fadier ed., Actes du congrès LambdaMu'17 (actes électroniques). October, 2010.
Minimal cutsets-based reduction approach for the use of binary decision diagrams on probabilistic safety assessment fault tree models
Christina Ibàñez-Llano, Antoine Rauzy, Enrique Meléndez, and Fernando Nieto
In Journal of Risk and Reliability. Professional Engineering Publishing. Vol. 223, Num. 4, pp 301–311, 2009.
doi: 10.1243/1748006XJRR259
Global efficiency assessment based on component composition of OEE using AltaRica Data-Flow language
Timothée Kombe, Eric Niel, Laurent Pietrac, and Antoine Rauzy
In 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, INCOM'09. Moscow. Vol. 42, Num. 4, pp 246–251, June, 2009.
doi: 10.3182/20090603-3-RU-2001.0047
RAMS and performance analysis
Xavier Quayzin, Emmanuel Arbaretier, Zina Brick, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the Joint ESREL and SRA-Europe Conference. Vol. 3, pp 1937–1941, 2009.
A Snapshot of Methods and Tools to Assess Safety Integrity Levels of High Integrity Protection Systems
Yves Dutuit, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Pierre Signoret
In Journal of Risk and Reliability. Professional Engineering Publishing. Vol. 222, Num. 3, pp 371–379, 2008.
doi: 10.1243/1748006XJRR147
Probabilistic assessments in relationship with Safety Integrity Levels by using Fault Trees
Yves Dutuit, Fares Innal, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Pierre Signoret
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 93, Num. 12, pp 1867–1876, December, 2008.
doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2008.03.024
Efficient reliability assessment of redundant systems subject to imperfect fault coverage using binary decision diagrams
Andrew Myers, and Antoine Rauzy
In IEEE Transactions on Reliability. IEEE Reliability Society. Vol. 57, Num. 2, pp 336–348, 2008.
doi: 10.1109/TR.2008.916884
Assessment of Redundant Systems with Imperfect Coverage by means of Binary Decision Diagrams
Andrew Myers, and Antoine Rauzy
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 93, Num. 7, pp 1025–1035, 2008.
doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2007.05.002
Guarded Transition Systems: a new States/Events Formalism for Reliability Studies
Antoine Rauzy
In Journal of Risk and Reliability. Professional Engineering Publishing. Vol. 222, Num. 4, pp 495–505, 2008.
doi: 10.1243/1748006XJRR177
Some Disturbing Facts about Depth First Left Most Variable Ordering Heuristics for Binary Decision Diagrams
Antoine Rauzy
In Journal of Risk and Reliability. Professional Engineering Publishing. Vol. 222, Num. 4, pp 573–582, 2008.
doi: 10.1243/1748006XJRR174
Book Chapters
Imperfect Coverage Models: Status and Trends
Suprasad V. Amari, Andrew Myers, Antoine Rauzy, and Kishor Trivedi
In Krishna B. Misra ed., Handbook of Performability Engineering. Elsevier. pp 321–348, 2008.
isbn: 978-1-84800-130-5
BDD for Reliability Studies
Antoine Rauzy
In Krishna B. Misra ed., Handbook of Performability Engineering. Elsevier. pp 381–396, 2008.
isbn: 978-1-84800-130-5
Sûreté de Fonctionnement et Analyse de Performances
Emmanuel Arbaretier, Zina Brick, and Antoine Rauzy
In André Lannoy ed., Actes du congrès LambdaMu'16 (actes électroniques). Avignon. October, 2008.
The open PSA initiative for next generation probabilistic safety assessment
Steven Epstein, Mark Reinhart, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceeding of International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis, PSA 2008. Knoxville, USA. Vol. 1, pp 409–419, June, 2008.
The open PSA initiative for next generation probabilistic safety assessment
Steven Epstein, Mark Reinhart, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceeding of 9th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management 2008, PSAM 2008. Hong-Kong, China. Vol. 1, pp 542–550, June, 2008.
isbn: 978-162276577-5
Variable Ordering Heuristics for BDD based on Minimal Cutsets
Christina Ibañez-Llano, and Antoine Rauzy
In Enrico Zio ed., Proceeding of the PSAM'9 Conference. Hong Kong. 2008.
Variable Ordering techniques for the application of Binary Decision Diagrams on PSA linked Fault Tree models
Christina Ibañez-Llanoo, Antoine Rauzy, Enrique Meléndez Asensio, and Fernando Nieto-Fuentes
In Proceeding of the ESREL 2008 Conference. 2008.
New insights into PFDavg and PFH
Fares Innal, Yves Dutuit, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Pierre Signoret
In Sergio Martorell ed., Proceedings of European Conference on Reliability, ESREL'08. 2008.
Assessment of Large Automatically Generated Fault Trees by means of Binary Decision Diagrams
Antoine Rauzy, Jean Gauthier, and Xavier Leduc
In Journal of Risk and Reliability. Professional Engineering Publishing. Vol. 221, Num. 2, pp 95–105, 2007.
doi: 10.1243/1748006XJRR47
An Efficient Algorithm To Analyze New Imperfect Fault Coverage Models
Suprasad Amari, Andrew Myers, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the Reliability And Maintainability Symposium, RAMS'07. Orlando, FL, USA. pp 420–426, 2007.
A Modest Proposal: A Standard PSA Model Representation Format
Steven Epstein, Olivier Nusbaumer, Antoine Rauzy, and Donald Wakefield
In I. Jencic and M. Lenosek ed., Proceedings of the conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, 2007. Portoroz, Slovenia. 2007.
isbn: 978-961-6207-28-7
Comparaison entre facteur d'importance critique généralisé et contribution individuelle aux pertes de production
Fares Innal, Yves Dutuit, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Pierre Signoret
In Proceedings QUALITA 2007. Vol. 1, pp 393–401, 2007.
High integrity protection systems (HIPS): methods and tools for efficient safety integrity levels (SIL) analysis and calculations
Jean-Pierre Signoret, Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy
In Terje Aven ed., Proceedings of European Conference on Reliability, ESREL'07. Stavanger, Norway. 2007.
The AltaRica Data-Flow Language in Use: Assessment of Production Availability of a MultiStates System
Marie Boiteau, Yves Dutuit, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Pierre Signoret
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 91, Num. 7, pp 747–755, July, 2006.
doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2004.12.004
Probabilistic assessments in relationship with Safety Integrity Levels by using Fault Trees
Yves Dutuit, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Pierre Signoret
In Proceedings of ESREL Conference, ESREL'06. pp 1619-1624, 2006.
Can We Trust PRA: Take 3
Steven Epstein, Antoine Rauzy, and Donald Wakefield
In Proceedings of he 8th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, PSAM 2006. New Orleans, USA. 2006.
isbn: 9780791802441
An attempt to understand better and apply some recommendations of IEC 61508 standard
Fares Innal, Yves Dutuit, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Pierre Signoret
In Proceedings of Esreda Seminar Reliability of Safety-Critical System. Trondheim, Norway. June, 2006.
Évaluation des ``Safety Integrity Levels'' par arbres de défaillance
Antoine Rauzy, Yves Dutuit, and Jean-Pierre Signoret
In L. Magnes ed., Actes du congrès LambdaMu'15 (actes électroniques). October, 2006.
Approximate estimation of system reliability via fault trees
Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 87, Num. 2, pp 163–172, 2005.
doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2004.02.008
Can We Trust PRA?
Steven Epstein, and Antoine Rauzy
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 88, Num. 3, pp 195–205, 2005.
doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2004.07.013
A m log m algorithm to compute the most probable configurations of a system with multi-mode independent components
Antoine Rauzy
In IEEE Transactions on Reliability. IEEE Reliability Society. Vol. 54, Num. 1, pp 156–158, 2005.
doi: 10.1109/TR.2004.842084
An Experimental Study on Six Algorithms to Compute Transient Solutions of Large Markov Systems
Antoine Rauzy
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 86, Num. 1, pp 105–115, October, 2004.
doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2004.01.007
Disponibilité de production: les nouveaux outils sont arrivés
Jean-Pierre Signoret, Marie Boiteau, Antoine Rauzy, and Philippe Thomas
In Actes du congrès LambdaMu'14. October, 2004.
An engineering approach to optimize system design or spare parts inventory
Jean-Luc Chabot, Yves Dutuit, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Pierre Signoret
In Risk Decision and Policy. Taylor and Francis, ISSN 1357-5309. Vol. 8, pp 1–11, 2003.
A New Methodology to Handle Boolean Models with Loops
Antoine Rauzy
In IEEE Transactions on Reliability. IEEE Reliability Society. Vol. 52, Num. 1, pp 96–105, 2003.
doi: 10.1109/TR.2003.809272
Towards an Efficient Implementation of Mocus
Antoine Rauzy
In IEEE Transactions on Reliability. IEEE Reliability Society. Vol. 52, Num. 2, pp 175–180, 2003.
doi: 10.1109/TR.2003.813160
A practical comparison of methods to assess sum-of-products
Antoine Rauzy, Eric Ch\^atelet, Yves Dutuit, and Christophe Bérenguer
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 79, Num. 1, pp 33–42, January, 2003.
doi: 10.1016/S0951-8320(02)00165-5
Modes Automata and their Compilation into Fault Trees
Antoine Rauzy
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 78, Num. 1, pp 1–12, October, 2002.
doi: 10.1016/S0951-8320(02)00042-X
A Petri nets/Monte-Carlo simulation approach to assess systems performances
Jean-Luc Chabot, Fran\ccois Ducamp, Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy Jean-Pierre Signoret
In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Probabilistic Assessment and Management (PSAM6). San Juan, USA. pp 379–384, June, 2002.
isbn: 0-08-044122-X
Very Large Nuclear Risk Models and Binary Decision Diagrams
Steven Epstein, Donald Wakefield, and Antoine Rauzy
In American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, Illinois ed., Proceedings of PSA 02, International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment. Detroit, Michigan, USA. pp 80–84, October, 2002.
Efficient Algorithms to Assess Components and Gates Importances in Fault Tree Analysis
Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 72, Num. 2, pp 213–222, May, 2001.
doi: 10.1016/S0951-8320(01)00004-7
New insights in the assessment of k-out-of-n and related systems
Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 72, Num. 3, pp 303–314, 2001.
doi: 10.1016/S0951-8320(01)00024-2
Mathematical Foundation of Minimal Cutsets
Antoine Rauzy
In IEEE Transactions on Reliability. IEEE Reliability Society. Vol. 50, Num. 4, pp 389–396, december, 2001.
doi: 10.1109/24.983400
Book Chapters
Approche Analytique Événementielle
Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy
In Éric Niel and Étienne Craye ed., Maîtrise des Risques et Sûreté de fonctionnement des Systèmes de Production. Hermès-Lavoisier. pp 120–142, 2001.
isbn: 978-2746204027
Simulation versus Markovian methods in system dependability assessment
Christophe Berenguer, E. Ch\^atelet, Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy
In International Conference on Industrial Logistics 2001 (ICIL'01). Okinawa, Japan. pp 355–358, 2001.
Une introduction au traitement dynamique de la fiabilité des systèmes par réseaux de Petri hybrides
Jean-Luc Chabot, Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy
In JN FIAB 3-Troisième Conférence Nationale Fiabilité des matériaux et des structures. 2001.
De l'usage de la simulation de Montéé Carlo couplée aux réseaux de Petri en sûreté de fonctionnement
Jean-Luc Chabot, Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the MOSIM. Vol. 1, 2001.
The AltaRica Formalism for Describing Concurrent Systems
André Arnold, Alain Griffault, Gérald Point, and Antoine Rauzy
In Fundamenta Informaticae. IOS Press. Vol. 34, pp 109–124, 2000.
A Realistic Involvement in Formal Methods
Didier Bégay, and Antoine Rauzy
In Software Practice and Experience. Wiley. Vol. 31, Num. 2, pp 191–208, 2000.
doi: 10.1002/1097-024X(200102)31:2<191::AID-SPE361>3.0.CO;2-4
Bypassing BDD construction for reliability analysis
Poul F. Williams, Macha Nikolskaia, and Antoine Rauzy
In Information Processing Letters. Elsevier. Vol. 75, pp 85–89, 2000.
doi: 10.1016/S0020-0190(00)00082-X
Un exemple réaliste d'application des méthodes formelles
Didier Bégay, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes du congrès LambdaMu'12. pp 147–156, 2000.
MINIPLANT, un cas pédagogique de Sûreté de Fonctionnement
Jean-Luc Chabot, Yves Dutuit, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Pierre Signoret
In Acte du congrès LambdaMu'12. pp 199–204, 2000.
Traitement des arbres d'événements. Problèmes et solutions.
Fran\ccois Ducamp, Fabienne Meunier, Antoine Rauzy, Jean-Pierre Signoret, and Philippe Thomas
In Acte du congrès LambdaMu'12. pp 269–274, 2000.
Handling very large Event Trees by means of Binary Decision Diagrams
Fran\ccois Ducamp, Sylvain Planchon, Antoine Rauzy, and Philippe Thomas
In S. Kondo and K. Furuta ed., Proceedings of the International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, PSAM'5. pp 1447–1452, 2000.
isbn: 4-946443-64-9
New Insight on Measures of Importance of Components and Systems in Fault Tree Analysis
Yves Dutuit, Olivier Lemaire, and Antoine Rauzy
In S. Kondo and K. Furuta ed., Proceedings of the International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, PSAM'5. pp 729–734, 2000.
isbn: 4-946443-64-9
Application des diagrammes binaires d'expressions au traitement d'arbres de défaillance
Macha Nikolskaia, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes du congrès LambdaMu'12. pp 363–367, 2000.
An Optimized Procedure to Generate Sums of Disjoint Products
Eric Ch\^atelet, Yves Dutuit, Antoine Rauzy, and Tarek Bouhoufani
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 65, Num. 3, pp 289–294, 1999.
doi: 10.1016/S0951-8320(99)00010-1
Où la polynomialité n'est qu'énumérative
Richard Génisson, and Antoine Rauzy
In Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle. Hermès. Vol. 13, Num. 2, pp 355–388, 1999.
AltaRica: Constraint automata as a description language
Gérald Point, and Antoine Rauzy
In Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés. Hermès. Vol. 33, Num. 8–9, pp 1033–1052, 1999.
Un cas pédagogique illustrant la notion multiforme de dépendance en sûreté de fonctionnement
Fran\ccois Coletti, Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes du colloque CNR-IUT'99. 1999.
Un module prolog de mu-calcul booléen :une réalisation par BDD
Serge Colin, Frédéric Mesnard, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes des journées francophones de programmation logique et par contraintes, JFPLC'99. pp 23–38, 1999.
Disponibilité d'un système en attente et périodiquement testé
Yves Dutuit, Antoine Rauzy, Jean-Pierre Signoret, and Philippe Thomas
In Actes du colloque Qualita'99. pp 367–376, 1999.
isbn: 2-900-781-43-4
Evaluation of Systems Reliability by means of Binary Decision Diagram
Yves Dutuit, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Pierre Signoret
In Proceedings of the Probabilistic Safety Assessment Conference, PSA'99. Vol. 1, pp 521–528, 1999.
isbn: 0-89448-640-3
A Guided Tour of Minimal Cutsets Handling by means of Binary Decision Diagrams
Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of Probabilistic Safety Assessment conference, PSA'99. Vol. 2, pp 55–62, 1999.
isbn: 0-89448-640-3
New algorithms to compute importance factors CPr, MIF, CIF, DIF, RAW and RRW
Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Association Conference, ESREL'99. Vol. 2, pp 1015–1020, 1999.
isbn: 90-5809-111-2
Fine-tuning of boolean formulae preprocessing techniques
Macha Nikolskaia, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Association Conference, ESREL'99. Vol. 2, pp 1027–1032, 1999.
isbn: 90-5809-111-2
AltaRica: Langage de modélisation par automates à contraintes
Gérald Point, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes du 2ième congrès sur la modélisation de systèmes réactifs, MSR'99. 1999.
Calcul propositionnel : Vers une extension du formalisme
Antoine Rauzy, Lakdhar Sais, and Laure Brisoux
In Actes de Journées Nationales sur la Résolution Pratique de Problèmes NP-Complets, JNPC'99. 1999.
Compilation of constraint automata into fault trees
Antoine Rauzy, and Romuald Winckell
In Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Association Conference, ESREL'99. Vol. 2, pp 815–821, 1999.
isbn: 90-5809-111-2
Hévéa : un gestionnaire d'arbres d'événements couplé à Aralia/SimTree
Philippe Thomas, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes du colloque Qualita'99. pp 463–474, 1999.
isbn: 2-900-781-43-4
Comparison between two tools (Aralia and ESCAF) applied to the Study of the Emergency Shutdown System of a Nuclear Reactor
Serge Combacon, Yves Dutuit, André Laviron, and Antoine Rauzy
In A. Mosleh and R.A. Bari ed., Proceedings of the International Conference of Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, PSAM'4. New-York, USA. Vol. 2, pp 1019–1024, 1998.
isbn: 3-540-76262-0
Conception Optimization Based on the Definition of Availability Allocation Taking into Account Cost Constraint
Hervé Desille, Fabienne Meunier, Antoine Rauzy, and Philippe Thomas
In Ali Mosleh and Richard Bari ed., Proceedings of the International Conference of Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, PSAM'4. New-York. Vol. 2, pp 1591–1596, 1998.
isbn: 3-540-76262-0
Polynomial Approximations of Boolean Functions by means of positive Binary Decision Diagrams
Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy
In Lydersen and Hansen and Sandtorv ed., Proceedings of European Safety and Reliability Association Conference, ESREL'98. pp 1467–1472, 1998.
Sherloc: a Desk Calculator for Availability Allocation in Fault Trees
Fabienne Meunier, Antoine Rauzy, and Philippe Thomas
In Lydersen and Hansen and Sandtorv ed., Proceedings of European Safety and Reliability Association Conference, ESREL'98. 1998.
Almana: A BDD Minimization Tool Integrating Heuristic and Rewriting Methods
Macha Nikolskaia, Antoine Rauzy, and David Sherman
In Springer Verlag ed., Proceedings of Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design Conference, FMCAD'98. Vol. 1522, pp 100–114, 1998.
doi: 10.1007/3-540-49519-3-8
Heuristics for BDD Handling of Sum-of-Products Formulae
Macha Nikolskaia, and Antoine Rauzy
In Lydersen and Hansen and Sandtorv ed., Proceedings of European Safety and Reliability Association Conference, ESREL'98. pp 1459–1465, 1998.
isbn: 90 54 10 966 1
Le langage AltaRica
Gérald Point, Philippe Thomas, Sylvain Lajeunesse, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Pierre Signoret
In Actes du 11ième colloque national de Fiabilité et Maintenabilité, LambdaMu'11. pp 119–125, 1998.
A Tutorial Introduction to Formal Verification and its Application to Dependability Analyses
Antoine Rauzy
In Lydersen and Hansen and Sandtorv ed., Proceedings of European Safety and Reliability Association Conference, ESREL'98. pp 1237–1242, 1998.
isbn: 90-54-10-966-1
The AltaRica Language
Jean-Pierre Signoret, Sylvain Lajeunesse, Gérald Point, Philippe Thomas, Alain Griffault, and Antoine Rauzy
In Lydersen and Hansen and Sandtorv ed., Proceedings of European Safety and Reliability Association Conference, ESREL'98. Trondheim, Norway. pp 1327–1334, June, 1998.
isbn: 90-54-10-966-1
Propogation des incertidudes à travers les arbres de défaillances et analyse de sensibilité
Jean-Pierre Signoret, Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes du 11ième colloque national de Fiabilité et Maintenabilité, LambdaMu'11. pp 585–594, 1998.
Sherloc : outil d'allocation d'indisponibilité pour les arbres de défaillance
Philippe Thomas, Fabienne Meunier, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes du 11ième colloque national de Fiabilité et Maintenabilité, LambdaMu'11. pp 278–283, 1998.
Toupie: the μ-calculus over finite domains as a constraint language
Marc-Michel Corsini, and Antoine Rauzy
In Journal of Automated Reasonning. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Vol. 17, pp 143–171, 1997.
doi: 10.1023/A:1005732517165
Exact and Truncated Computations of Prime Implicants of Coherent and non-Coherent Fault Trees within Aralia
Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 58, Num. 2, pp 127–144, 1997.
doi: 10.1016/S0951-8320(97)00034-3
BDD based Fault-Tree Processing: A Comparison of Variable Ordering Heuristics
Marc Bouissou, Franck Bruyère, and Antoine Rauzy
In Carlos Guedes-Soares ed., Proceedings of European Safety and Reliability Association Conference, ESREL'97. Vol. 3, pp 2045–2052, 1997.
isbn: 0-08-042835-5
Constraint logic programming and mucalculus
Colin, Serge, Mesnard, Fred, and Rauzy, Antoine
In Proceedings of the ERCIM/COMPULOG Workshop on Constraints. Schloss Hagenberg, Austria. 1997.
Handling Boolean Models with Loops
Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy
In Carlos Guedes-Soares ed., Proceedings of European Safety and Reliability Association Conference, ESREL'97. Vol. 3, pp 2063–2070, 1997.
Monte-Carlo Simulation to Propagate Uncertainties in Fault Trees encoded by means of Binary Decision Diagrams
Yves Dutuit, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Pierre Signoret
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR'97. pp 305–312, 1997.
A New Notion of Prime Implicants and its Implementation by Means of Binary Decision Diagrams
Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR'97. pp 111–119, 1997.
Analyse qualitative et quantitative de la fiabilité d'un système dynamique
Yves Dutuit, Philippe Thomas, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Pierre Signoret
In Actes du 2ième Congrès Pluridisciplinaire Qualité et Sûreté de Fonctionnement. pp 243–250, Mars, 1997.
Utilisation du système de programmation par contraintes Toupie pour l'analyse de dysfonctionnements de systèmes industriels
Sylvain Lajeunesse, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes du congrès Qualité et Sûreté de Fonctionnement'97. pp 395–404, 1997.
Using the Constraint System Toupie to Perform Reliability Analyses
Sylvain Lajeunesse, and Antoine Rauzy
In C. Guedes Soares ed., Proceedings of European Safety and Reliability Association Conference, ESREL'97. Vol. 3, 1997.
Utilisation de la méthode du gradient descendant pour l'allocation de fiabilité
Fabienne Meunier, Antoine Rauzy, and Philippe Thomas
In Actes de la 3ième Conférence Nationale sur la Résolution Pratique de Problèmes NP-Complets. pp 109–112, 1997.
Démonstration automatique expérimentale
Antoine Rauzy
Habilitation à diriger des recherches. Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherches en Informatique (LaBRI), Université Bordeaux I. juin, 1996.
Une version concurrente de la procédure de Davis et Putnam
Belaid Benhamou, Richard Génisson, and Antoine Rauzy
In Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle. Hermès. Vol. 10, Num. 4, pp 499–506, 1996.
A Linear Time Algorithm to Find Modules of Fault Trees
Yves Dutuit, and Antoine Rauzy
In IEEE Transactions on Reliability. IEEE Reliability Society. Vol. 45, Num. 3, pp 422–425, 1996.
doi: 10.1109/24.537011
An Brief Introduction to Binary Decision Diagrams
Antoine Rauzy
In RAIRO-APII-JESA. Vol. 30, Num. 8, pp 1033–1051, 1996.
Computing Network Reliability with Réséda and Aralia
Yves Dutuit, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Pierre Signoret
In C. Cacciabue and I.A. Papazoglou ed., Proceedings of European Safety and Reliability Association Conference, ESREL'96. Vol. 3, pp 1947–1952, 1996.
Modélisation d'un système dynamique simple et évaluation de sa fiabilité par réseaux de Petri stochastiques
Yves Dutuit, Philippe Thomas, Antoine Rauzy, and Jean-Pierre Signoret
In Actes du 10ième colloque national Fiabilité & Maintenabilité, LambdaMu'10. pp 648–659, 1996.
Aspects algorithmiques des classes polynomiales du problème SAT et des problèmes de satisfaction de constraintes
Richard Génisson, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes du 10ième congrès Reconnaissance de Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, RFIA'96. pp 97–108, 1996.
Efficient Horn renaming: yet a Davis and Putnam's procedure
Richard Génisson, and Antoine Rauzy
In Résolution Pratique de Problèmes NP-Complets, CNPC'96. pp 169–184, 1996.
An Introduction to Binary Decision Diagrams and some of their Applications to Risk Assessment
Antoine Rauzy
In Olivier Roux ed., Actes de l'école d'été, Modélisation et Vérification de Processus Parallèles, MOVEP'96. 1996.
Utilisation du langage de contraintes Toupie pour analyser des spécifications ``à la Parnas''
Antoine Rauzy
In Jean-Jacques Lesage ed., Actes du congrès AFCET sur la Modélisation de systèmes réactifs. pp 81–89, 1996.
Using the constraint language Toupie for "software cost reduction" specification analysis
Antoine Rauzy
In T. Margaria and B. Steffen ed., 2nd International Workshop on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 1996. Vol. 1055, pp 417-417, 1996.
doi: 10.1007/3-540-61042-1_62
Toupie : un langage de programmation par contraintes pour l'analyse formelle de programmes concurrents
Marc-Michel Corsini, and Antoine Rauzy
In Technique et Science Informatiques. Hermès. Vol. 14, Num. 6, pp 753–782, June, 1995.
Révision : mettons un bémol
Odile Papini, and Antoine Rauzy
In Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle. Hermès. Vol. 9, Num. 4, pp 455–474, 1995.
Book Chapters
Toupie: a Constraint Language for Model Checking
Antoine Rauzy
In Maurice Nivat and Andreas Podelski ed., Constraints: Basics and Trends. Springer Verlag (LNCS). Vol. 910, pp 193–207, 1995.
isbn: 3-540-59155-9
Étude comparative de trois formalismes en calcul propositionnel
Groupe Bahia
In Actes des 5ième Journées du PRC Intelligence Artificielle. pp 126–158, 1995.
Projet inter-PRC ``Classes Polynomiales'' : Travaux et Résultats
Projet Classes Polynomiales
In Actes des 5ième Journées du PRC Intelligence Artificielle. pp 5–28, 1995.
Towards a better understanding of SL-Resolution
Laurent Oxusoff, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the sixth international conference on Artificial intelligence: methodology, systems, applications: methodology, systems, applications. pp 3–14, 1995.
isbn: 981-02-1853-2
Revision in Extended Propositionnal Calculus
Odile Papini, and Antoine Rauzy
In C. Froidevaux and J. Kohlas ed., Proceedings of European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasonning about Uncertainty, ECSQARU'95. Vol. 946, pp 328–335, 1995.
isbn: 3-540-60112-0
Toupie = μ-calculus + constraints
Antoine Rauzy
In Pierre Wolper ed., Proceedings of Computer Aided Design, CAV'95. Vol. 939, pp 114–126, 1995.
doi: 10.1007/3-540-60045-0-44
Polynomial restrictions of SAT: What can be done with an efficient implementation of the Davis and Putnam's procedure
Antoine Rauzy
In Ugo Montanari and Franscesca Rossi ed., Proceedings of the International Conference on Principle of Constraint Programming, CP'95. Vol. 976, pp 515–532, 1995.
doi: 10.1007/3-540-60299-2-31
Computation of Prime Implicants of a Fault Tree within Aralia
Antoine Rauzy, Yves Dutuit, Jean-Pierre Signoret, Marcel Chevalier, Isabelle Morlaes, Anne-Marie Lapassat, Serge Combacon, Fabienne Brugère, and Marc Bouissou
In Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Association Conference, ESREL'95. Bournemouth – England. pp 190–202, June, 1995.
Synchronization of Constrained Transition Systems
Srecko Brlek, and Antoine Rauzy
In H. Hong ed., Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Parallel Symbolic Computation (PASCO'94). Linz, Ostreich. pp 54–62, 1994.
Implementation of Constrained Transition Systems: a Unified Approach
Srecko Brlek, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the Bordeaux–Montréal Workshop, BMW'94. Montreal. pp 125–141, 1994.
Symbolic Model Checking and Constraint Logic Programming: a Cross-Fertilization
Marc-Michel Corsini, and Antoine Rauzy
In Don Sannella ed., Proceedings of the European Symposium on Programming ESOP'94. Vol. 788, pp 180–194, 1994.
Vérification Symbolique et Programmation Logique avec Contraintes: les Raisons d'un Mariage
Marc-Michel Corsini, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the Journées Francophones de Programmation Logiques (JFPL'94). pp 171–186, 1994.
Towards a Better Understanding of SL-Resolution
Laurent Oxusoff, and Antoine Rauzy
In P. Jorrand and V. Sugrev ed., Proceedings Artificial Intelligence V Methodology, Systems, Applications, AIMSA'94. 1994.
Révision : mettons un bémol
Odile Papini, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes des Rencontres Fran\ccaises sur l'Intelligence Artificielle, RFIA'94. 1994.
Arbres de Défaillances et Diagrammes Binaires de Décision
Antoine Rauzy, Yves Dutuit, Jean-Pierre Signoret, Marcel Chevalier, Isabelle Morlaes, Anne-Marie Lapassat, Serge Combacon, Fabienne Brugère, and Marc Bouissou
In Actes du 1er congrès interdisciplinaire sur la Qualité et la Sûreté de Fonctionnement. pp 47–56, 1994.
Notes on the Design of an Open Boolean Solver
Antoine Rauzy
In P. van Hentenryck ed., Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Logic Programming, ICLP'94. pp 354–368, 1994.
isbn: 0-262-72022-1
New Algorithms for Fault Trees Analysis
Antoine Rauzy
In Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Elsevier. Vol. 05, Num. 59, pp 203–211, 1993.
doi: 10.1016/0951-8320(93)90060-C
Book Chapters
Boolean Unification: an Efficient Algorithm
Antoine Rauzy
In Alain Colmerauer and Frédéric Benhamou ed., Constraint Logic Programming: Selected Research. MIT Press. pp 237–251, 1993.
isbn: 0-262-02353-9
Efficient Abstract Interpretation of Prolog Programs by means of Constraint Solving over Finite Domains
Marc-Michel Corsini, Baudoin Le Charlier, Kaninda Musumbu, and Antoine Rauzy
In Maurice Bruynooghe and Jaan Penjam ed., Proceedings of the 5th Int. Symposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming, PLILP'93. Tallin, Estonia. Vol. 714, pp 75–91, 1993.
doi: 10.1007/3-540-57186-8-72
CLP(B) joue la transparence
Marc-Michel Corsini, and Antoine Rauzy
In P. Ezequel ed., Actes des Journées Francophones sur la Programmation en Logique, JFPL'93. pp 245–260, June, 1993.
CLP(B): Do It Yourself
Marc-Michel Corsini, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the 8th Italian Conference on Logic Programming, GULP'93. June, 1993.
Yet another Application for Toupie: Verification of Mutual Exclusion Algorithms
Marc-Michel Corsini, Alain Griffault, and Antoine Rauzy
In A. Voronkov ed., Proceedings of Logic Programming and Automated Reasonning, LPAR'93. Vol. 698, pp 86–97, 1993.
isbn: 3-540-56944-8
Safety analysis by means of fault-trees - an application for open boolean solvers (abstract)
Marc-Michel Corsini, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the tenth international conference on logic programming. Budapest, Hungary. pp 834–834, June, 1993.
isbn: 0-262-73105-3
A Mixed Approach of Revision in Propositional Calculus
Odile Papini, and Antoine Rauzy
In M. Clarke, R. Kruse and S. Moral ed., Proceedings of European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasonning about Uncertainty, ECSQARU'93. Vol. 747, pp 296–303, November, 1993.
Revision in Propositional Calculus
Odile Papini, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the post-conference Workshop of the International Joint Conference of Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI'93: Revision and Change. 1993.
Production Fields: a New Approach to Deduction Problems and two Algorithms for Propositional Calculus
Jean-Marc Boï, Eric Innocente, Antoine Rauzy, and Pierre Siegel
In Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle. Hermès. Vol. 06, Num. 3, pp 235–253, 1992.
Booléens: Algorithmes et Heuristiques pour l'IA
Groupe Bahia
In Actes des 4ième Journées du PRC Intelligence Artificielle. pp 239–314, 1992.
The μ-calculus over Finite Domains as an Abstract Semantics of Prolog
Marc-Michel Corsini, Kaninda Musumbu, and Antoine Rauzy
In WSA'92 Workshop on Static Analysis (Bordeaux). Vol. 81–82, pp 51–59, Sept. 23–25, 1992.
Toupie: a Symbolic Finite Domains Constraint Language
Marc-Michel Corsini, Kaninda Musumbu, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of post-conference Workshop of the 1992 Joint International Conference & Symposium on Logic Programming. 1992.
Contraintes booléennes et gestion d'arbres de défaillance
Antoine Rauzy
In P. Mathieu ed., Actes des Journées Francophones sur la Programmation en Logique, JFPL'92. pp 301–313, 1992.
Using Boolean Constraints in Prolog
Jean-Marc Boï, and Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of the Italian Conference on Logic Programming GULP'91. 1991.
A knowledge extraction mechanism from formulae over a ring
Antoine Rauzy
In M. de Glas and D. Gabbay ed., Proceedings of the First World Conference in the Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence, WOFCAI'91. pp 427–438, july, 1991.
Introducing Constraints over a Ring in Prolog
Antoine Rauzy
In Proceedings of Russian Conference of Logic Programming, RCLP'91. 1991.
Knowledge extraction in trivalued propositional logic
Antoine Rauzy
In P. Siegel and K. Kruse ed., Proceedings of European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches of Uncertainty, ECSQAU'91. Vol. 548, pp 287–291, 1991.
isbn: 3-540-54659-6
La démonstration automatique en calcul propositionnel au service de la programmation par contraintes
Jean-Marc Boï, and Antoine Rauzy
In Actes du Séminaire de Programmation en Logique de Trégastel, SPLT'90. pp 511–521, 1990.
Two Algorithms for Constraints System Solving in Propositional Calculus and their Implementation in PrologIII
Jean-Marc Boï, and Antoine Rauzy
In P. Jorrand and V. Sugrev ed., Proceedings Artificial Intelligence IV Methodology, Systems, Applications (AIMSA'90). Alba-Varna, Bulgaria. pp 139–148, September, 1990.
isbn: 0-444-88771-7
Aspects de la démonstration automatique en France
Groupe DedAut
In Actes des 3ième Journées du PRC Intelligence Artificielle. pp 139–238, 1990.
L'Évaluation Sémantique en Calcul Propositionnel
Antoine Rauzy
Thèse de Doctorat. Groupe d'Intelligence Artificielle – Université de Aix-Marseille II. janvier, 1989.
Évaluation Sémantique en Calcul Propositionnel
Serge Jeannicot, Laurent Oxusoff, and Antoine Rauzy
In Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle. Hermès. Vol. 2, pp 41–60, 1988.